Серия SP-S
Bags in this series are crafted from elements of flight gear, such as anti-g suits (PPK) and Soviet aviator canvas (avizent). They feature authentic aviation hardware, including buckles from GK-30 safety harnesses.
Dimensions: ~260 x 140 x 60 mm
Weight: ~700 g
Stratopacks Locations
Corner Address:
Moscow, Khodynsky Boulevard 4 (Aviapark Mall, 3rd floor, Trend Island Department Store)
Workshop Address
(Visits by appointment only):
Lyubertsy, Oktyabrsky Prospekt 241/1
Our Partners:
  • Faces&Laces Locals
  • Moscow, Winzavod Contemporary Art Center, 4th Syromyatnichesky Lane, 1/8 building 6
  • Moscow, Flacon Design Factory, Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya Street, 36 building 1, entrance 1
  • Krasnokholmskaya Gallery
  • Moscow, Narodnaya Street, 15/1
  • Bagpoint
  • Moscow, Altufyevskoye Highway, 95 (Altufevo Mall, 2nd floor, pavilion 2)
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